I love photographing babies! They are so adorable and really don't hold back any emotions. Some of my favorite images illustrate their contagious giggles... Here is one baby who responded quite well to a little tickle from his mother.
There is something so special about being able to creatively photograph a newborn baby. Their tiny legs still curl up next to their body as they were in their mother's womb. I was fortunate to photograph this baby boy at only 1 week old. Even though it was a warm day we cranked the temperature way up so he'd be comfortable. He was only "exposed" for a few moments at at time. In between the image taking there was plenty of feeding and changing! It is a little disrupting for the parents to allow me into their home after bringing their newborn home just days earlier... but after just a couple of hours they have images to cherish for a lifetime. Below are three images from the same session to show the variety of final images that resulted from that time.
I love having the opportunity for dads to get involved with a portrait session. Here is the same adorable newborn being held by his very proud dad.
Each baby is unique to photograph. In the end we are just playing, which is one of the best parts of my job as a professional photographer.
What's the secret to taking good photos of newborns? Patience. Lots of patience is required from the photographer and the parents because it just takes time to catch the right moments. Sometimes you might get lucky and catch them in a dream...