As someone who experienced many challenges with regard to fertility, I was inspired to find a way to honor my experience and journey using my fine art and I’d like to share that with you in this post.
While I realize it’s a unique experience for each person who goes through using medically supported means of conceiving a child, IVF and everything leading up to it was both physically and mentally challenging for our family, required a significant financial investment and took a tremendous amount of time and energy.
For those of us who are fortunate enough to have success with the process, it is truly awesome to witness the results unfold in front of our eyes.
Creating and displaying this art piece felt like a way to honor our journey and to focus on what was beautiful about it, rather than let the challenges take center stage.
I created a piece of my own daughter’s beginning stages as mere cells before we transferred her as an embryo. I included colors that I wanted to incorporate into my nursery and symbolism that felt meaningful. I look forward to being able to show my daughter the very beginning stages of her life interpreted in this way.
The piece shown is 30x40 bees wax, resin, pigments, photography on birch panel.
I am extremely passionate about creating this commissioned art for parents who went through IVF to conceive a child.
The IVF art I am creating for clients is inspired by the journey and the magic of being able to see imagery of your child as just a few cells. This is just incredible to me.
In addition to the reward of a baby, this art piece felt cathartic to make and also to display on my daughter’s nursery wall.
I’d love to talk to you about creating an IVF art piece for you, so email me or call with questions about the process and investment.