First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Preferred Method of Contact
Mailing Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
I want to take away the following from this mentoring program (check all that apply)
Start building a plan for creating a new business focused on pet photography
Gain ideas on how to include pets into my existing portrait business, but not focused solely on pets
Obtain a sense of workflow with regard to working with pets and clients—from start to finish
Pick up some tips and tricks to working effectively on location with pets
Get a better understanding of my style and strengths and how I might want to approach a business
Get ideas about marketing, pricing and sales
I need someone to help keep me accountable for sticking to my plans
Build a portfolio of images of pets for my personal growth
Learn how to create better portraits of my own pets
Create stronger images of pets for the purpose of exploring the idea of starting a business
Have fun!
Explore pet photography to see if it is something I am interested in
Learn how to “pose” other people’s pets
Get ideas for how to use photography to help non-profit organizations
Other (please specify below)*
*If "other," please specify
If this program focused on ONE aspect from the list above I would want it to be
Time Investment
Based on the information you know NOW about your current situation, how many hours a week would you want to devote to pet photography? This could be either the building of a portfolio or any other aspect, including business development (if applicable).
>5 hours a week
5-10 hours a week
10-20 hours a week
20-30 hours a week
Full time
Financial Investment
Do you have any funds set aside for either getting started for your personal purposes or for the workflow of your business if applicable? Check the box that best applies to you.
No Funds. I want to work with what I have and not spend any money at this time.
I have no idea
What workshops, consulting, or seminars, if any, have you participated in before? If you have taken a workshop, please share an aspect of the experience that you feel was most beneficial to you and any other notes you feel would be valuable for me to know.
What inspired you to participate in this program and how did you find out about it?
How would you describe yourself as a photographer: Amateur, Advanced Amateur, or Professional?
Do you currently run a photography business or work with pets in your photography business? Please describe your current experience and focus.
Do you have your own pets? If so, tell me about them.
Your camera: what kind of camera are you shooting with and how comfortable are you with it?
Artificial Lighting (Strobe or flash): what are you currently using?
Digital Capture/Organizing/Editing your images. What software do you use to organize your images and edit them?
What type of computer are you working with? (Mac or PC, and what year?)
Describe your experience with dogs, cats and other animals and your interest in working with each in your photography.
Please list any other notes that you think might help me build this program in a way that would serve you best.